Professor Proofs Page!

Hydi Hydrogen is the smallest and most powerful Perio in the universe. Hydi has an atno 1.

Lanth Lanthanum is a leading member of the Lantern clan and has an atno of 57. Lanth can send sparks and also helps strenghthen the metrans.

Bariu Barium is a member of the Alkalina clan with an atno of 56. Bariu is not very strong but has explosive powers especially with water and Oxyn. Bariu is poisonous and is rarely seen unless it is teamed up with other Perios.

Cesy Cesium is a member of the Alkali clan with an atno of 55. Cesy is very soft and has explosive powers especially with water and Oxyn. It also has weak rad powers.

Xen Xenon is a member of the Aerogen clan with an atno 54. Like most Aerogens, Xen has great force field powers and also laser power.

Iod Iodine is a member of the Halogen clan with an atno of 53. Iod has the abilty to run or fly and is known to help humans by cleaning cuts or scrapes.

Tellur Tellurium is a member of the Chalo clan with an atno of 52. Tellur is similar to its clan members Selen and Sulfy. It makes Ferra and Cupri brittle and it teams up with Cadum to make computer chips.

Antim Antimony is a member of the Pinig clan with an atno of 51. Antim is similar to Metrans and shares many traits with that clan. Antim teams up with Lea to make batteries. It also teams up with Bromo to stop fires.

Tinny Tin is a member of the Casil clan with an atno of 50. Tinny is actually more like Metran than its other Casil members. It teams up with Cupri to make bronze and pewter. It also helps join Metrans together, also called solder.

Indy Indium is a member of the Boral clan with an atno of 49. Indy is similar to its clan members Galu and Thal. Indy teams up with many other perios to help make LCD screens, LED lights, and other semiconductors.

Cadum Cadmium is a member of the Metran clan with an atno of 48. Cadum is toxic so humans on earth must be careful when near it. Cadum makes colored glass, stop radiation, and is now used with Tellur to make solar panels.

Pal Paladium is a member of the Metran clan with an atno of 46. Pal is commonly found with its Metran friends Plat, Rhody, Osmi, and Iri. Pal helps fuel cells convert chemical reaction into electricity. Pal also helps clean car exhausts to reduce pollution. Pal has force field power, but is not as strong as its friends.

Rhody Rhodium is a member of the Metran clan with an atno of 45. Rhody has very good resistance to other Perios and chemicals. Like Ruth, Rhody is commonly found with it Metran friends Plat, Pal, Osmi, and Iri. Rhody has strong force field power. So Rhody is used to keep other metals shiny like Argent Silver. Rhody is also used in car's exhaust pipes to reduce pollution.

Ruth Ruthenium is an member of the Metran clan with an atno of 44. Ruth has very good resistance to other Perios and chemicals. Ruth is commonly found with it Metran friends Plat, Rhody, Pal, Osmi, and Iri. Ruth has strong force field power.

Techny Technetium is an unusual member of the Metran clan with an atno of 43. Techny uses it weak Rad powers to help medical teams take images in the human body.

Moly Molybdenum is a member of the Metran clan with an atno of 42. A long time ago Moly was often confused with Lea and also Carbo. Moly has many useful traits and unique powers. It can be very strong and resistant to attack at very high temperatures when other Perios melt. Moly also makes Ferra and Nic stronger. Moly helps transfer electricity and heat. It has Strength, Electrical and Force Field powers.

Nioby Niobium is a member of the Metran clan with an atno of 41. Nioby is also called Colum. Nioby often teams up Carbo and Nitro to make Ferra stronger. It also make Nic stronger too. Nioby teams up with Germa, Tinny, or Titan to make superconducting magnets. Nioby has Strength, Electrical and Force Field powers.

Zirc Zirconium is a member of the Metran clan with an atno of 40. Zirc and his twin Hafy are very similar. Zirc is called upon when special strength and resistance to corrosive attack is needed. It is resistant to hot temperatures, especially when it teams up with Oxyn. Zirc has Force Field and Strength powers.

Yttri Yttrium is a member of the Metran clan with an atno of 39. Howeve Yttri is very good friends with the Lanterns and is rarely separated from them. Yttri is named after the village Ytterby, where is was first discovered on earth. Yttri is used to make the red in CRT picture tubes. It is also used to make superconductors and strengthen other Metrans, particularly Alu and Magnus. Yttri has Light, Electrical and Strengthening powers.

Stro Strontium is a member of the Alkalina clan with an atno of 38. Stro makes red fireworks and works at the front of all CRT screens to catch X-Rays. Stro also helps with cancer therapy. Stro has Explosive and Rad powers.

Ruby Rubidium is a member of the Alkali clan. Ruby makes purple fireworks. It it very good at keeping time and helping make diode lasers. Ruby has Explosive, Laser, and some Rad powers.

Kryp is a vapor member of the Aerogen clan. Kryp is helpful in making bright fluorescent lamps. Kryp also makes lasers. For many years, Kryp's light was used to define the length of one meter. Kryp has Light, Laser, Force Field and occasional Rad powers.

Bromo is a member of the Halogen clan. Bromo does many things for humans including making bright purple colored clothing, helping clean pools, and putting out fires. It has Acid and Force Field powers.

Selen is a member of the Chalco clan. Selen makes red colored glass. It also helps control dandruff in human hair!

Arsen is a member of the Pinig clan. It is a very poisonous metalloid perio. Arsen teams up with Lea to make car batteries and Germa to make computer chips.

Germa is a member of the Casil clan. It loves electronics, and helps make computer chips and fiber optic cables. Germa (Germanium) was named after Germany.

Galu is a member of the Boral clan. It teams up with Arsen to make all kinds of electronics. Galu also makes LEDs and lasers.

Zin is a member of the Metran clan. It teams up Cupri to make brass metal, and with Oxyn to make white paint. Zin is useful in batteries and helps keep humans healthy.

Cupri is a member of the Metran clan with very good electrical powers. It is often used on Earth as electrical wire. It also teams up with Tinny to make Bronze and Zin to make Brass. Cupri was the first Metran to help humans in the ancient times.

Nic is a strong member of the Metran clan. Historically it teamed up with Cupri to make coins and other objects. Now it teams up with many other Perios to make strong metals used in jet engines, magnets, and marine equipment.

Coby is another strong, tough member of the Metran clan. It also can help store electrical charges in batteries. And Coby makes the blue in glass, paints and other art objects.

Ferra becomes super strong when teamed up with other members of the Metran clan, and Carbo. But by itself, Ferra is pretty weak.

Mango, a member of the Metran clan, helps make Ferra strong in steels, and also strengthens Alu. Mango is helpful in many other ways. It teams up with Oxyn to darken paint and make batteries

Chrome is member of the Metran clan that helps prevent Ferra in steels from rusting. It also makes the red in rubies.

Lea is member of the Casil clan but more like a Metran. It has electrical storing power, and is very unhealthy for humans to consume!

Vandis teams up with with Carbo and Ferra to make strong steels!

Titan teams up with other Perios, like Vandis and Alu, to become very strong and a protective force field. It also joins with Oxyn to make bright white paint.

Scandi teams up with Alu to make baseball bats, lacrosse sticks and bicycles strong.

Calcio helps make bones strong and teeth hard. It teams up with many other Perios in helpful ways like milk, cement, glass, fertilizer, crayons, paints, chalk, and toothpaste.

Potasso is the main Perio in fertilizer, helping plants on earth grow tall.

Argo is the third most common Perio in the earth's atmosphere behind Nitro and Oxyn.

Chlo is very rarely alone. It loves to make pacts and team up with other Perios, particularly Oxyn. Chlo helps humans do many things like cleaning bacteria from water, and making foods taste salty. Chlo and Soda together make table salt.

Sulfy is naturally yellow. On earth it was first found in Sicily many years ago. Somtimes you can tell when Sulfy and Hydi are teamed up because the smell is like rotton eggs. Sulfy and Oxyn together can make a harmful and helpful acid.

Phos, like Nitro, is essential for plants and animals. That is why Phos is the the main ingredient in plant fertilizers. Fertilizers contain Phos that replaces the Phos that plants take from soil when they grow.

Alu, is very helpful to humans on earth. Alu helps make many strong lightweight objects, including foils, cans, ladders, airplanes, and car parts. Other perios that make Alu even stronger are Cupri, Mango, Magnus, Sili, Tinny and Zin.

Magnus, a popular member of the Alkalina clan, is the ninth most abundant Perio in the universe, and the fourth most common Perio on earth. Magnus is also an important nutrient in humans.

Soda, a bubbly member of the Alkali clan, is the one of two perios in table salt, a very important mineral and nutrient. Salt not only tastes good but helps keep animals healthy. The other perio in salt is Chlo.

Sili, a member of the Casil clan, is the primary Perio in glass. There are many more Perios involved in glass making too. Other Perios that help make clear glass are Soda and Calcio.